Peristaltic pump classification and characteristics
What is a peristaltic pump?
I believe most of the users are not very familiar with this kind of pump.
With the development of our chemical industry, mining, metallurgy, papermaking, paint coatings and other industries, also drove the peristaltic pump from nothing to a development process.
Below, we will introduce the classification, characteristics and working princIPLe of peristaltic pump.
Peristaltic pump according to the size of the flow can be divided into the following categories:
Small flow peristaltic pump: mainly used in experimental and medical industries, high flow accuracy;
Medium flow peristaltic pump: mainly used for experiment, medical treatment and small-scale production and distribution, etc., with high flow accuracy;
Large flow peristaltic pump: mainly used for large flow rate verification, production filling and distribution as well as industrial liquid transportation.
Peristaltic pump by function can be divided into the following categories:
1, Basic peristaltic pump: mainly used for continuous work or long time working mode;
2, Flow type peristaltic pump: in addition to the basic functions, increase the flow display, flow correction, communication and other functions;
3, Dispensing peristaltic pump: mainly used for fixed time and quantitative distribution, such as: filling medicine bottles;