Selection guide for peristaltic pump tubing for viscous liquid transfer
To maximize the efficiency of viscous liquid transfer, please follow the steps below:
1. Reduce the speed of the pump. When the speed increases beyond a certain point, it has no effect on the flow rate. The maximum efficiency speed of the pump decreases as the viscosity increases and the pump tube size decreases.
2. Please select a pump tube with a larger size than the size required to transfer water. The following table can help you choose the most suitable size
3. Please choose a firm pump tube such as Norprene®, PharMed® BPT, PharmaPure®, GORE® Style 100 SC, GORE® Style 500, Chem-Durance® Bio or Tygon® LFL. These pump tubes can quickly return to their original shape after the pump head is engaged, so the performance is better. L/S®, I/P® and B/T® should choose precision pump tubing—the pump tubing with thicker wall can return to its original shape faster than precision pump tubing. The faster the shape recovery speed, the greater the force to suck the liquid into the pump tube.
4. Please choose a pump tube with a smooth inner wall. Smooth inner walls can reduce friction. Choose BioPharm, BioPharm Plus, Tygon®, Tygon® LFL or silicone tubing.
5. Reduce fluid viscosity. If feasible, the fluid can be heated; the viscosity usually decreases with increasing temperature.